[aubio-user] aubiopitch

Paul Brossier piem at piem.org
Wed Sep 18 21:39:21 CEST 2013

Hola Julie,

0.4.0~alpha comes with a C version of aubiopitch, whereas aubiopitch in
0.3.2 is written in python. Debian or Ubuntu do not have 0.4.0~alpha yet.

most likely, aubio 0.4.0~alpha has been installed manually on your machine,
probably in /usr/local. check the output of 'which aubiopitch'.

you can choose to uninstall it (./waf uninstall from the build
directory). or you can make sure you are using the aubiopitch of your
choice by specifying the full path: /usr/bin/aubiopitch.

the new C version should be significantly faster, yet lead to similar

the plotting features do need work in 0.4.0 however. Let me know
if/which you need, i could work on a python script for 0.4.0. with the
new python interface, it would be a lot faster.

best wishes,

On 17/09/2013 06:44, Julie Mauclair wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem with aubiopitch. One of my former colleague send me one of his program using aubiopitch but it seems he doesn't use the same option as I have when I try to use aubiopitch.
> He has this -help on aubiopitch :
> $ aubiopitch -h
> Usage: /usr/bin/aubiopitch [options] -i soundfile
> Options:
> -h, --help            show this help message and exit
>                        input sound file
> -m MODE, --mode=MODE  pitch detection mode [default=mcomb]
>                        mcomb|yin|fcomb|schmitt
> -u, --units           output pitch in units [default=Hz]
>                        freq|midi|cent|bin
> -B BUFSIZE, --bufsize=BUFSIZE
>                        buffer size [default=2048]
> -H HOPSIZE, --hopsize=HOPSIZE
>                        overlap size [default=512]
> -t THRESHOLD, --threshold=THRESHOLD
>                        pitch threshold (for yin) [default=0.1]
> -s SILENCE, --silence=SILENCE
>                        silence threshold [default=-70]
> -D DELAY, --delay=DELAY
>                        number of seconds frames to take back [default=0]
>                        use a median filter of N frames [default=0]
>                        maximum pitch value to look for (Hz) [default=20000]
> -l PITCHMIN, --minimum=PITCHMIN
>                        minimum pitch value to look for (Hz) [default=20]
> -n, --note            NOT IMPLEMENTED output notes
> -T, --plottruth       draw plot of the ground truth pitch track
> -p, --plot            draw plot of the pitch track
> -x XSIZE, --xsize=XSIZE
>                        define xsize for plot
> -y YSIZE, --ysize=YSIZE
>                        define ysize for plot
> -O OUTPLOT, --outplot=OUTPLOT
>                        save the plot to output.{ps,png,svg} instead of
>                        displaying it
> -v, --verbose         make lots of noise
> -q, --quiet           be quiet
> and I get this:
> usage: aubiopitch [ options ]
>         -h      --help          Display this message.
>         -v      --verbose       Be verbose.
>         -j      --jack          Use Jack.
>         -o      --output        Output type.
>         -i      --input         Input type.
>         -O      --onset         Select onset detection algorithm.
>         -t      --threshold     Set onset detection threshold.
>         -s      --silence       Select silence threshold.
>         -p      --pitch         Select pitch detection algorithm.
>         -B      --bufsize       Set buffer size.
>         -H      --hopsize       Set hopsize.
>         -a      --averaging     Use averaging.
> I have been trying to update my version of aubiopitch with apt-get, github, compile it with waf ... nothing seems to work.
> Could you help me please?
> Thank you,
> Julie
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