[aubio-user] Informations about aubio beat detection setting

Patrice Péau ppeau at lgs.com
Thu May 15 15:25:45 CEST 2014

Hello, I am looking for some informations about the beat tracking fonction
of aubio.
I am looking for something to make a simple beat grid of music and
especially electronic music like we can see on every dj application.

but I think, I am doing something wrong because I made a lot of tests and
the result is definitely not that I was expected.

I've got just a average of 35% of beats detected correctly on electronic
music so just rhythm.
In fact 1 song on 5 is not so bad and some of them are even less of 15%.

So at first,  what means confidence on the beat tracking system because I
have 0 for nothing that one is good , but sometimes I have for example :
0.40 to 1.80 during 1 minutes then 80.0 for 4 beats and then 0.12 to 1.80
during still 3 minutes and 20.0. so what means this value ? is a percent ?
or how can I use it for example to fix the others beats.

And maybe there are some tricks to customize the detection to expect
something with more sense.

Thanks for your help

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