[aubio-user] Using aubio 0.4.0 from python (windows)

Paul Brossier piem at piem.org
Mon Dec 30 17:40:36 CET 2013

On 12/30/2013 12:09 PM, Emilio Molina Martínez wrote:
> Ok, I modified aubio_priv.h as indicated. Now the log file (attached
>  .txt) reduced in 2KB :)...
> Thanks, Emilio.

arg. now i'm at a loss :-\

: error
C2275: 'fmat_t' : uso no válido de este tipo como expresión

: vea la declaración de 'fmat_t'

uso como expresión? me cuesta un poco mas en espanol, maybe the english
output would help searching for clues.

C2275: 'uint_t' : uso no válido de este tipo como expresión
: vea la declaración de 'uint_t'

now what could possibly make msvc choke on this line?!

typedef unsigned int uint_t;

can you build and run the attached test source using msvc?

by the way, you can run waf with '-j 1' to have a shorter log.

thanks, Paul

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